Source code for canlib.ean

from . import deprecation


def bcd_digits(bcd_bytes):
    """Split a byte sequence into four-bit BCD digits

    Used internally by `EAN` to decode BCD.

    For example 0x12345 is turned into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

    `bcd_bytes` must be an iterable of eight bit objects supporting `&` and

        The byteorder is currently assumed to be 'little'.

    # byteorder is assumed to be 'little'
    for char in bcd_bytes:
        # Python 2 doesn't have bytes, only string
        if isinstance(char, str):
            char = ord(char)
        yield char & 0xF
        yield char >> 4

def int_from_digits(digits, base=10):
    """Joins a sequence of decimal digits into a decimal number

    Used internally by `EAN`.

    For example (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is turned into 54321.

    Iterating through `digits` is assumed to only yield integers between 0 and
    9, inclusive.

    decimal = 0
    for pos, digit in enumerate(digits):
        decimal += digit * base ** pos
    return decimal

class IllegalEAN(ValueError):
    """Could not parse EAN"""


[docs]class EAN: r"""Helper object for dealing with European Article Numbers Depending on the format the ean is in, `EAN` objects are created in different ways; For strings:: EAN('73-30130-01234-5') For integers:: EAN(7330130012345) For iterables of integers:: EAN([7, 3, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) For BCD-coded bytes or bytearrays (str in python 2):: EAN.from_bcd(b'\x45\x23\x01\x30\x01\x33\x07') For "hi-lo" format, i.e. two 32-bit integers containing half the ean each, both BCD-coded:: EAN.from_hilo([eanHi, eanLo]) The various representations can then be produced from the resulting object:: >>> str(ean) '73-30130-01234-5' >>> int(ean) 7330130012345 >>> tuple(ean) # or list(), or any other sequence type (7, 3, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) >>> ean.bcd() b'E#\x010\x013\x07' >>> ean.hilo() (805380933, 471809) Sometimes it is easier to only use the last six digits of the ean, the product code and check digit. This is supported when working with string representations; the constructor supports six-digit (seven-character) input:: EAN('01234-5') In that cases, the country and manufacturer code is assumed to be that of Kvaser AB (73-30130). A string containing only the product code and check digit can also be retrieved:: ean.product() Instances can also be indexed which yields specific digits as integers:: >>> ean[7] 0 >>> ean[7:] (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Note: The byteorder is currently always assumed to be 'little'. """ fmt = "##-#####-#####-#" num_digits = len([s for s in fmt if s == '#'])
[docs] @classmethod def from_bcd(cls, bcd_bytes): """Create an EAN object from a binary coded bytes-like object The EAN is automatically shortened to the correct length. """ # The digits are in reverse order, and there is an extra zero digits = tuple(bcd_digits(bcd_bytes))[: cls.num_digits] digits = reversed(digits) return cls(digits)
@classmethod @deprecation.deprecated.favour("the EAN constructor directly") def from_string(cls, ean_string): """Create an EAN object from a specially formatted string .. deprecated:: 1.6 Use the constructor, `EAN(ean_string)`, instead. """ return cls(ean_string)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hilo(cls, hilo): """Create an EAN object from a pair of 32-bit integers, (eanHi, eanLo)""" high, low = hilo # we get three extra digits in 'high' high = tuple(bcd_digits(high.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')))[:-3] low = tuple(bcd_digits(low.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))) return cls(high[::-1] + low[::-1]) # and the digits are reversed
@classmethod def _parse_int(cls, ean_int): digits_string = str(ean_int).rjust(cls.num_digits, '0') internal = tuple(int(d) for d in digits_string) if len(internal) != cls.num_digits: raise IllegalEAN("Too large EAN integer: " + str(ean_int)) else: return internal @classmethod def _parse_str(cls, ean_string): if len(ean_string) == PRODUCT_EAN_LENGTH: ean_string = "73-30130-" + ean_string if len(ean_string) != len(cls.fmt): raise IllegalEAN("Wrong length for EAN string: " + repr(ean_string)) if not all(s.isdigit() if (f == '#') else (f == s) for f, s in zip(cls.fmt, ean_string)): raise IllegalEAN("Unreconized format for EAN string: " + repr(ean_string)) internal = tuple(int(s) for f, s in zip(cls.fmt, ean_string) if f == '#') return internal def __init__(self, source): if isinstance(source, str): self._internal = self._parse_str(source) elif isinstance(source, int): self._internal = self._parse_int(source) else: # Assumed to be a iterable internal = tuple(source) if len(internal) != self.num_digits: raise IllegalEAN(f"Wrong length of EAN sequence ({len(internal)})") elif not all(isinstance(d, int) for d in internal): raise IllegalEAN("EAN sequence must contain only ints") else: self._internal = internal # required in Python 2 def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, EAN): return self._internal == other._internal elif isinstance(other, str): return str(self) == other else: return NotImplemented def __getitem__(self, index): return self._internal[index] def __int__(self): return int_from_digits(reversed(self._internal)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._internal) def __str__(self): num_only = map(str, self._internal) out = ''.join(next(num_only) if s == '#' else s for s in self.fmt) if __debug__: # check that all digits where printed rest = tuple(num_only) assert len(rest) == 0, rest return out def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{str(self)}')" def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self))
[docs] def bcd(self): """Return a binary-coded bytes object with this EAN""" digits_string = ''.join(str(d) for d in self._internal) # fromhex requires an even number of digits bcd = bytes.fromhex('0' + digits_string) bcd = bytes(reversed(bcd)) return bcd
[docs] def hilo(self): """Return a pair of 32-bit integers, (eanHi, eanLo), with this EAN""" high = self._internal[:-8] low = self._internal[-8:] high = int_from_digits(reversed(high), base=16) low = int_from_digits(reversed(low), base=16) return (high, low)
[docs] def product(self): """Return only the product code and check digit of the string representation""" return str(self)[-PRODUCT_EAN_LENGTH:]