Source code for canlib.kvrlib.structures

import ctypes as ct

from .enums import Accessibility, Availability, DeviceUsage

[docs]class kvrVersion(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("minor", ct.c_uint8), ("major", ct.c_uint8), ] def __str__(self): return f"{self.major}.{self.minor}"
[docs]class kvrAddress(ct.Structure): Type_UNKNOWN = 0 #: Unknown (e.g., no reply from device). Type_IPV4 = 1 #: IP v.4 address. Type_IPV6 = 2 #: IP v.6 address. Type_IPV4_PORT = 3 #: IP v.4 address with tcp-port. Type_MAC = 4 #: Ethernet MAC address. TypeText = { Type_UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN', Type_IPV4: 'IPV4', Type_IPV6: 'IPV6', Type_IPV4_PORT: 'IPV4_PORT', Type_MAC: 'MAC', } _fields_ = [("type", ct.c_uint), ("address", ct.c_ubyte * 20)] def __str__(self): addr = '-' if self.type == self.Type_IPV4: addr = '.'.join(str(x) for x in self.address[:4]) elif self.type == self.Type_IPV4_PORT: addr = '.'.join(str(x) for x in self.address[:4]) addr += f':{self.address[5]}' type = self.TypeText[self.type] return f"{addr} ({type})"
[docs]class kvrAddressList(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [('elements', ct.c_short), ('STRUCT_ARRAY', ct.POINTER(kvrAddress))] def __init__(self, num_of_structs=20): elems = (kvrAddress * num_of_structs)() self.STRUCT_ARRAY = ct.cast(elems, ct.POINTER(kvrAddress)) self.elements = num_of_structs self.count = 0 def __str__(self): elements = [] for i in range(0, self.count): elements.append(f"{self.STRUCT_ARRAY[i]}") return "\n".join(elements)
class kvrCipherInfoElement(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("version", ct.c_uint32), ("capability", ct.c_uint32), ("group_cipher", ct.c_uint32), ("list_cipher_auth", ct.c_uint32), ]
[docs]class kvrDeviceInfo(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("struct_size", ct.c_uint32), ("ean_hi", ct.c_uint32), ("ean_lo", ct.c_uint32), ("ser_no", ct.c_uint32), ("fw_major_ver", ct.c_int32), ("fw_minor_ver", ct.c_int32), ("fw_build_ver", ct.c_int32), ("name", ct.c_char * 256), ("host_name", ct.c_char * 256), ("usage", ct.c_int32), ("accessibility", ct.c_int32), ("accessibility_pwd", ct.c_char * 256), ("device_address", kvrAddress), ("client_address", kvrAddress), ("base_station_id", kvrAddress), ("request_connection", ct.c_int32), ("availability", ct.c_int32), ("encryption_key", ct.c_char * 32), ("reserved1", ct.c_char * 256), ("reserved2", ct.c_char * 256), ]
[docs] def connect(self): self.request_connection = 1
[docs] def disconnect(self): self.request_connection = 0
def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if ( self.ean_hi == other.ean_hi and self.ean_lo == other.ean_lo and self.ser_no == other.ser_no ): return True else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash("%x %x %d" % (self.ean_hi, self.ean_lo, self.ser_no)) def __str__(self): text = "\n" text += f"name/hostname : '{}' / '{self.host_name.decode()}'\n" text += f" ean/serial : {self.ean_hi:x}-{self.ean_lo:x} / {self.ser_no}\n" text += f" {'fw':13}: v{self.fw_major_ver}.{self.fw_minor_ver}.{self.fw_build_ver:03}\n" text += ( f" addr/cli/AP : " f"{self.device_address} / {self.client_address} / {self.base_station_id}\n" ) text += f" availability : {Availability(self.availability).name}\n" text += ( f" usage/access : " f"{DeviceUsage(self.usage).name} / {Accessibility(self.accessibility).name}\n" ) if self.accessibility_pwd: acc_pwd = "yes" else: acc_pwd = "no" if self.encryption_key: enc_key = "yes" else: enc_key = "no" text += f" pass/enc.key : {acc_pwd} / {enc_key}" return text def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class kvrDeviceInfoList(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [('elements', ct.c_short), ('STRUCT_ARRAY', ct.POINTER(kvrDeviceInfo))] def __init__(self, deviceInfos): num_of_structs = len(deviceInfos) elems = (kvrDeviceInfo * num_of_structs)() self.STRUCT_ARRAY = ct.cast(elems, ct.POINTER(kvrDeviceInfo)) for elem in range(0, num_of_structs): self.STRUCT_ARRAY[elem] = deviceInfos[elem] self.elements = num_of_structs self.count = 0 def __str__(self): elements = [] for i in range(0, self.elements): elements.append(f"{self.STRUCT_ARRAY[i]}") return "\n".join(elements)