Source code for canlib.kvrlib.exceptions

import ctypes as ct

from ..exceptions import DllException
from .enums import Error

def kvr_error(status):
    """Create and return an exception object corresponding to `status`"""
    for cls in (KvrBlank, KvrNoAnswer, KvrParameterError, KvrPasswordError, KvrUnreachable):
        if status == cls.status:
            return cls()
        return KvrGeneralError(status)

[docs]class KvrError(DllException): @staticmethod def _get_error_text(status): try: from .wrapper import dll msg = ct.create_string_buffer(80) dll.kvrGetErrorText(status, msg, ct.sizeof(msg)) err_txt = msg.value.decode('utf-8') # The important thing is to give original error code. except Exception: err_txt = "Unknown error text" err_txt += f' ({status})' return err_txt
[docs]class KvrGeneralError(KvrError): """A kvrlib error that does not (yet) have its own Exception .. warning:: Do not explicitly catch this error, instead catch `KvrError`. Your error may at any point in the future get its own exception class, and so will no longer be of this type. The actual status code that raised any `KvrError` can always be accessed through a `status` attribute. """ def __init__(self, status): self.status = status super().__init__()
[docs]class KvrBlank(KvrError): """List was not set or no more results.""" status = Error.BLANK
[docs]class KvrNoAnswer(KvrError): """No answer arrived within given timeout.""" status = Error.NO_ANSWER
[docs]class KvrParameterError(KvrError): """Error in supplied in parameters.""" status = Error.PARAMETER
[docs]class KvrPasswordError(KvrError): """Supplied password was wrong.""" status = Error.PASSWORD
[docs]class KvrUnreachable(KvrError): """Remote device is unreachable.""" status = Error.NO_DEVICE