Source code for canlib.kvlclib.enums

from ..cenum import CEnum, CFlag

[docs]class Error(CEnum): FAIL = -1 #: Generic error. PARAM = -2 #: Error in supplied parameters. EOF = -3 #: End of input file reached. NOT_IMPLEMENTED = -4 #: Not implemented. FILE_ERROR = -5 #: File I/O error. FILE_EXISTS = -6 #: Output file already exists. INTERNAL_ERROR = -7 #: Unhandled internal error. NULL_POINTER = -8 #: Unexpected null pointer. FILE_TOO_LARGE = -10 #: File size too large for specified format. TYPE_MISMATCH = -11 #: Supplied parameter has incorrect type. NO_FREE_HANDLES = -12 #: Too many open KvlcHandle handles. NO_INPUT_SELECTED = -13 #: Missing call to kvlcSetInputFile or kvlcFeedSelectFormat. CONVERTING = -14 #: Call failed since conversion is running. BUFFER_SIZE = -15 #: Supplied buffer too small to hold the result. INVALID_LOG_EVENT = -30 #: Event is unknown to converter. NO_TIME_REFERENCE = -31 #: Required timestamp missing. TIME_DECREASING = -32 #: Decreasing time between files. MIXED_ENDIANESS = -33 #: Wrong data type in MDF. RESULT_TOO_BIG = -34 #: Result is too big for an out-parameter
[docs]class FileFormat(CEnum): """FILE_FORMAT_xxx Format used for input and output, used in `Converter.setInputFile()`. Note: Not all formats are valid as both output and input format. """ INVALID = 0 #: Invalid file format KME24 = 1 #: Input and output file format. KME25 = 2 #: Input and output file format. VECTOR_ASC = 3 #: Output file format. CSV = 4 #: Output file format. PLAIN_ASC = 5 #: Output file format. MEMO_LOG = 6 #: Input (internal device logfile format). KME40 = 7 #: Input and output file format. VECTOR_BLF = 8 #: Output file format. KME50 = 9 #: Input and output file format. CSV_SIGNAL = 100 #: Output file format. MDF = 101 #: Output file format. MATLAB = 102 #: Output file format. J1587 = 103 #: Output file format. J1587_ALT = 104 #: Obsolete. FAMOS = 105 #: Output file format. MDF_SIGNAL = 106 #: Output file format. MDF_4X = 107 #: Output file format. MDF_4X_SIGNAL = 108 #: Output file format. VECTOR_BLF_FD = 109 #: Input and output format. XCP = 200 #: Output file format. FAMOS_XCP = 201 #: Output file format. DEBUG = 1000 #: Reserved for debug.
[docs]class ChannelMask(CFlag): """Masking channels The `ChannelMask` is used in `Converter.addDatabaseFile` to indicate which channels to use. """ ONE = 0x01 TWO = 0x02 THREE = 0x04 FOUR = 0x08 FIVE = 0x10