Source code for canlib.kvamemolibxml.wrapper

import ctypes as ct
import os
import sys

from .. import VersionNumber, deprecation, dllLoader
from .dll import KvaMemoLibXmlDll
from .enums import Error, ValidationError

_ct_dll = dllLoader.load_dll(win_name='kvaMemoLibXML.dll', linux_name='')
dll = KvaMemoLibXmlDll(_ct_dll)

class KvaMemoLibXml:
    """Deprecated wrapper class for the Kvaser kvaMemoLibXml

    .. deprecated:: 1.5

    All functionality of this class has been moved to the kvamemolibxml module itself::

      # deprecated
      from canlib import kvamemolibxml
      cl = kvamemolibxml.KvaMemoLibXml()  # or kvamemolibxml.kvaMemoLibXml()

      # use this instead
      from canlib import kvamemolibxml


    `xmlGetLastError` Does not take any argument, and returns a two-tuple.


    dll = dll

    # These two variables seem to serve no purpose at all, so they will be
    # removed along with KvaMemoLibXml.
    kvaMemoLibXmlDll = dllLoader.load_dll(
        win_name='kvaMemoLibXML.dll', linux_name=''
    installDir = os.environ.get('KVDLLPATH')

    def __init__(self):
            "Creating KvaMemoLibXml objects is deprecated, "
            "all functionality has been moved to the kvamemolib module itself."
        # since=1.5
        self._module = sys.modules[__name__]

    def __getattr__(self, name):
            return getattr(self._module, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError(
                f"{str(type(self))} object has no attribute {name}"

    def xmlGetLastError(kvaERR=0):
        """Get the last error message (if any).

        Get the last error message (if any) from conversion in human redable

            kvaERR (int): kvaMemoLibXml error code.

           msg (`str`): Error message associated with kvaERR.

        msg = ct.create_string_buffer(1 * 1024)
        err = ct.c_int(kvaERR)
        dll.kvaXmlGetLastError(msg, ct.sizeof(msg), ct.byref(err))
        return msg.value

def getVersion():
    """Get the kvaMemoLibXml DLL version number as a `str`

    .. deprecated:: 1.5
       Use `dllversion` instead.

    return str(dllversion())

[docs]def dllversion(): """Get the kvaMemoLibXML DLL version number. Returns: `canlib.VersionNumber` """ v = dll.kvaXmlGetVersion() version = VersionNumber(major=v >> 8, minor=v & 0xFF) return version
[docs]def kvaBufferToXml(conf_lif): """Convert a buffer containg param.lif to XML settings. Scripts from the param.lif will be written to current working directory. Args: conf_lif (`str`): Buffer containing param.lif to convert. Returns: `str`: Buffer containing converted XML settings. """ version = ct.c_long(0) xml_buf = ct.create_string_buffer(500 * 1024) xml_size = ct.c_uint(ct.sizeof(xml_buf)) script_path = ct.c_char_p(b"") dll.kvaBufferToXml( ct.c_char_p(conf_lif), len(conf_lif), xml_buf, ct.byref(xml_size), ct.byref(version), script_path, ) return xml_buf.value.decode('utf8')
[docs]def kvaXmlToBuffer(conf_xml): """Convert XML settings to param.lif buffer. Args: conf_xml (`str`): XML settings to convert. Returns: `str`: Buffer containing converted param.lif. """ version = ct.c_long(0) lif_buf = ct.create_string_buffer(320 * 32 * 1024) lif_size = ct.c_uint(ct.sizeof(lif_buf)) c_conf_xml = conf_xml.encode() dll.kvaXmlToBuffer( c_conf_xml, len(c_conf_xml), lif_buf, ct.byref(lif_size), ct.byref(version), ) return lif_buf.raw[: lif_size.value]
[docs]def kvaXmlToFile(xml_filename, binary_filename): """Convert XML file to binary configuration file. Args: xml_filename (`str`): Filename of file containing the XML settings. binary_filename (`str`): Filename of binary configuration. """ dll.kvaXmlToFile(xml_filename.encode(), binary_filename.encode())
[docs]def kvaXmlValidate(conf_xml): """Validate a buffer with XML settings. Args: conf_xml (`str`): string containing the XML settings to validate. Returns: `tuple`: containing - `int`: Number of XML validation errors. - `int`: Number of XML validation warnings. """ dll.kvaXmlValidate(conf_xml.encode(), len(conf_xml)) return xmlGetValidationStatusCount()
[docs]def xmlGetValidationStatusCount(): """Get the number of validation statuses (if any). Call after kvaXmlValidate(). Returns: `tuple`: containing - `int`: Number of XML validation errors. - `int`: Number of XML validation warnings. """ countErr = ct.c_int(0) countWarn = ct.c_int(0) dll.kvaXmlGetValidationStatusCount(ct.byref(countErr), ct.byref(countWarn)) return (countErr.value, countWarn.value)
[docs]def xmlGetValidationError(): """Get validation errors (if any). Call after kvaXmlValidate() until return status is KvaXmlValidationStatusOK. Returns: `tuple`: containing - `int`: Validation error status code. - `str`: Validation error status message. .. versionchanged:: 1.19 Returned status code is now an enum. """ status = ct.c_int(-666) text = ct.create_string_buffer(1048) dll.kvaXmlGetValidationError(ct.byref(status), text, len(text)) return (ValidationError.from_number(status.value), text.value.decode())
[docs]def xmlGetValidationWarning(): """Get validation warnings (if any). Call after kvaXmlValidate() until return status is KvaXmlValidationStatusOK. Returns: `tuple`: containing - `int`: Validation warning status code. - `str`: Validation warning status message. .. versionchanged:: 1.19 Returned status code is now an enum. """ status = ct.c_int(-666) text = ct.create_string_buffer(2048) dll.kvaXmlGetValidationWarning(ct.byref(status), text, len(text)) return (ValidationError.from_number(status.value), text.value.decode())
[docs]def xmlGetLastError(): """Get the last error message (if any). Returns: `tuple`: containing - `str`: Error message associated with the error code. - `~.enums.Error`: Error code. .. versionchanged:: 1.19 Returned error code is now an enum. """ msg = ct.create_string_buffer(2 * 1024) err = ct.c_int(-666) dll.kvaXmlGetLastError(msg, ct.sizeof(msg), ct.byref(err)) return (msg.value.decode("utf-8"), Error.from_number(err.value))