Convert a .kme50 file to plain ASCII

""" -- Convert a .kme50 logfile into plain ASCII

This example script uses canlib.kvlclib to convert a logfile from .kme50 format
into plain ASCII.

import argparse
from pathlib import Path

from canlib import kvlclib

def try_set_propery(cnv, property, value=None):
    # Check if the format supports the given property
    if cnv.format.isPropertySupported(property):
        # If a value is specified, set the property to this value
        if value is not None:
            cnv.setProperty(property, value)

        # Get the property's default value
        default = cnv.format.getPropertyDefault(property)
        print('  %s is supported (Default: %s)' % (property, default))

        # Get the property's current value
        value = cnv.getProperty(property)
        print('    Current value: %s' % value)
        print('  %s is not supported' % property)

def convert_events(cnv):
    # Get estimated number of remaining events in the input file. This
    # can be useful for displaying progress during conversion.
    total = cnv.eventCount()
    print("Converting about %d events..." % total)
    while True:
            # Convert events from input file one by one until EOF
            # is reached
            if cnv.isOutputFilenameNew():
                print("New output filename: '%s'" % cnv.getOutputFilename())
                print("About %d events left..." % cnv.eventCount())
        except kvlclib.KvlcEndOfFile:
            if cnv.isOverrunActive():
                print("NOTE! The extracted data contained overrun.")
            if cnv.isDataTruncated():
                print("NOTE! The extracted data was truncated.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert a .kme50 logfile into plain ASCII.")
        'filename', metavar='LOGFILE.KME50', help=("The filename of the .kme50 logfile.")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    in_file = Path(args.filename)

    # set up formats
    out_fmt = kvlclib.WriterFormat(kvlclib.FileFormat.PLAIN_ASC)
    in_fmt = kvlclib.ReaderFormat(kvlclib.FileFormat.KME50)

    # set resulting output file name taking advantage of the extension
    # defined in the format.
    out_file = in_file.with_suffix('.' + out_fmt.extension)
    print("Output filename is '%s'" % out_file)

    # create converter
    cnv = kvlclib.Converter(out_file, out_fmt)

    # Set input file and format
    cnv.setInputFile(in_file, kvlclib.FileFormat.KME50)

    # split output files into max 100 MB files
    # The name of the resulting files will now end in '-partX.txt',
    # thus the first file will be named logfile-part0.txt, assuming we use
    # logfile.kme50 as input file name.
    try_set_propery(cnv, kvlclib.Property.SIZE_LIMIT, 100)

    # allow output file to overwrite existing files
    try_set_propery(cnv, kvlclib.Property.OVERWRITE, 1)

    # we are only interested in the first channel
    cnv.setProperty(kvlclib.Property.CHANNEL_MASK, 1)

    # add nice header to the output file
    try_set_propery(cnv, kvlclib.Property.WRITE_HEADER, 1)

    # we are converting CAN traffic with max 8 bytes, so we can minimize
    # the width of the data output to 8 bytes
    try_set_propery(cnv, kvlclib.Property.LIMIT_DATA_BYTES, 8)


    # force flush result to disk


We have created a wrapper function try_set_propery that will examine the property we are trying to set, and ignore the setting if the current format used does not support the property. While converting events in the convert_events function, we also inform the user if any overruns or data truncation was detected.

Sample Output

C:\example>python gensig.kme50
Output filename is 'C:\example\gensig.txt'
  Property.SIZE_LIMIT is supported (Default: 0)
    Current value: 100
  Property.OVERWRITE is supported (Default: 0)
    Current value: 1
  Property.WRITE_HEADER is supported (Default: 0)
    Current value: 1
  Property.LIMIT_DATA_BYTES is supported (Default: 64)
    Current value: 8
Converting about 310 events...
New output filename: 'C:\example\gensig-part0.txt
About 309 events left...